Friday, May 27, 2011


Conversation between me and the checkout girl at the grocery store last night:

Her: Oh, hi! Where are your boys?

Me: Home in bed thank goodness.

Her: You look different.

Me: Oh yeah?

Her: Yeah? (very perplexed) Oh wait, I know what it is. You're wearing makeup.

For the record, I'm always wearing makeup when I'm out of the house.
And hey, I just had a kid. Wait, no I didn't... that was 6 months ago.
I guess I need to try harder.


Jenigirl said...

Argh!! seriously just ask me if I need ice or stamps...If I have a pregnancy test in tow don't ask if Im hoping it's a yes or no or do I have any children yet or how long it took for you to get pregnant or what type of test you use and if I look tired or not! Paper or plastic! That is all the conversation I need! Right there with you ems!

Alicia said...

Oh. No. Hilarious. For the record: you ALWAYS look stellar.

Jill said...

Ha ha... You always look phenom! That's my new word of the day. You can use it if you'd like. But... don't overuse it, cause few things are phenom.