Tuesday, July 26, 2011

heaven help me

I've decided I have put off getting in to shape long enough. Now that Max is a bloody nine months - what is my excuse? I started up my yoga again today. Bob kicked my butt once again. Tomorrow is swimming laps, and then hopefully in the near future, jeans that fit me better and a belly that no longer holds all of Max's leftover baby fat. Thanks a lot Max. Babies can be so selfish sometimes.

I also need to stop eating those devilishly delicious chocolate-chocolate donuts from the Dunford factory down the street from me. Why do they have to be so tempting. It's like I drive down the street, and I can hear them calling my name - taunting me.

I think tomorrow I will go out and purchase my very first scale. That will keep me in control. I hope.

Curse you chocolate-chocolates.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I want to know about this Yoga video... I'm looking for something different.

P.S. You always look hott.