Thursday, January 20, 2011

old photos

There is something I have always found very romantic about old photographs. Especially of my grandparents. My memories of them are only when they had aged and, well, were grandparents. You can only hope to have heard stories, to find journals, or read old letters to try and get an idea of what they were like when they were younger.

My dad was recently sent this photo of his parents, so young and handsome. My grandfather passed away last year and I miss him dearly. I was so happy to have it - as I do not have a single other photo of them so young.

A moment of happier times maybe, young and in love.

I like having these kinds of photos on our walls. My boys won't ever know these people like I did, so I like to make sure their images are around so they can at least have that small connection to them. And I can daydream about what was happening when this one moment was captured.

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