Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My day so far

6:53am Cash wakes for his bottle, drinks half of it - then throws up all over me. Nice.

7:45am Jack wakes up and declares: "Mom, I'm so happy", and then gives me a big hug. So cute.

9:31 am The first chance I've had to go wash out the throwup from my hair and Cash's earlier display of being "not so happy". Yes, I have been walking around for 2 hours smelling like throwup - so is the life of "mom".

9:52am My first sip of diet coke as I declare, "Coke, you make me so happy".

And so the day begins.


Alicia said...

Oh so familiar... I love me some diet coke first thing in the morning. Ahh... So fun seeing you last night. I love your guts!

kam said...
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kam said...

Emily, I got your information from Katrina K as someone who might be able to help me design a new logo, brand, business card and perhaps even help with a new blog/website for my small photography business. Would you mind emailing me your information? kamee@kameejune.com I look forward to hearing from you!! Thanks, Kamee

sarah sample said...

I know I am late to leave a comment. BUT in my family Coke is really magic. You've got strep throat...coke can cure it. stomach flu? sure, coke is the trick. Overwhelmed at what the word "mother" entails...drink a coke. love it.