Wednesday, January 4, 2012

because of all the throw up

Because of all the sickness and throw up that was happening at our house around the time I finished my stationery boxes for the boys teachers, I never got around to posting these pictures. 

I tried to use mostly what I had around the house, so the patterns and ribbon don't completely match, but I still liked it. I got the cigar boxes from Michaels, the cardboard initials (glued on the front) from Hobby Lobby, and the idea from this crafty girl's blog. Each box had a set of 12 cards with their monogrammed initial in a different font. Then I designed up some smaller note cards which had birds and other motifs stamped on them. 

There you have it. I think they turned out pretty good.



Jenigirl said...

Em first I LOVE the new picture that is an amazing photo! Secondly those stationary kits are to die for!! They turned out so cute! I think you should sell them on Etsy! What a great gift for anyone! Glad your bout with flu is finally over!

Alicia said...


Matt, Arien, Pete and Piper said...

Em those are soooo cute! We totally miss you guys!