Monday, June 29, 2009

attempt #2

Today I finally am attempting Jack's second try at potty training. We are going comando style. I tried the parties. I tried the charts and the games and movies. I heard all the "we got him/her trained in one day with this technique" - and well, we gave up. So I decided to take my sister-in-law Ali's advice and went cold turkey - no more diapers, no training pants - just letting him be naked as a jaybird.

Surprisingly thus far, it's worked. At lease the art of going #1 has.

And thanks to Aunt Jennie - we have this killer hand drawn story about "the magical poo party" that Jack can't seem to get enough and makes me read over and over again.

So with all fingers, eyes and toes crossed, I am waiting to see what happens.

If it doesn't work - does anyone know if I can just send him somewhere to be trained? If dogs do it - why not little boys?


Matt, Arien, Pete and Piper said...

My attempt did not go over so well. I hate this! I may have to try the ole commando style, i just need to find some more days off work. Let me know how it goes:)

Mindi said...

I've heard commando works well, good luck-the poo story is a keeper.

Alicia said...
