Thursday, October 8, 2009

the beginning of something great

Last night we had a big BBQ to start off the recording of the hymns record. Ryan and as many amazing musicians that I feel lucky enough to call our friends - are coming together to record a bunch of gospel hymns. We had everyone over to eat some mighty good grub and let the spouses and kids mix it up as they planned out the next week and tried out some of the songs they may record.

Although I have no musical talent - I even found myself singing along in the kitchen as I was cleaning up the sea of dixie cups - and thought this record is going to blow people's minds. My old friend Jed Wells - who I know from the arts program at BYU - is going to be filming and documenting the entire thing. His stuff is amazing and I have been drooling over the small mini youtube test videoes he has been uploading. If Ryan gives the go ahead, I'll post a few...

But for now - I am just so happy I got to meet so many cool people last night, on top of hanging out with some of my most favorite people on this planet. Man I love me some good ol' fashioned get togethers.


sarah sample said...

Your family was a perfect host. Thanks for creating such a great night!

Sophia said...

Emily, I can not wait to hear this! MAke sure to keep me updated, I bet it will be great.