When I set out to join the boys into one room, I really wanted to make a whole new space so it wasn't just Cash coming into Jack's room. Also - with having another boy, I didn't really want to change the nursery, but I didn't want Cash to be attached to it in any way. I had big plans to try and do it all in one weekend, but being pregnant made most the projects go into a several week project. I wanted them to have a cool room without it looking too kid like. I know - that is the designer control freak in me, but I think kids rooms can be hip without being so cliche and well, kid-like. It still needs some things here and there, but here is a few snapshots of the room so far.
I made the headboards after watching a mini tutorial on youtube. I kept them a neutral gray, so I could switch out the duvet covers more often. It was fairly easy, and both headboards - materials and all, cost me under $50.
I found these cardboard animal heads at urban outfitters on clearance. I thought they were pretty cool. I wanted to buy some larger ones on line, but they get pretty pricey. I love cardboard anything.
Originally I was going to make this little nook have a table with chairs and art supplies, but I realized I still wanted a place to sit and hang out when the boys are first nodding off, and I also don't trust Cash to have any type of mark making material in a room where I can't see him at all times. My master-sewing mom helped me make these end bed blankets. I bought the material several years ago before Cash was even born, but thought the vintage prints were still cool. The blankets are big enough to use for forts, cozy time, and other such things without messing up the bed and using the duvet cover... keeping mom from having to make the bed 10 times a day.
I made a photo wall with a bunch of images of both the boys doing different things - something I can change out throughout the years as they get older. I have so many photos of them, I hate that most don't get framed. I hope this gives me a chance to display more of them - and more often. I left up the hanging airplanes from when Jack was just a baby (used them to distract while changing diapers).
The turtle is a night light Grandma and Grandpa Tanner gave Jack for his birthday. It rules... it has 3 color settings and puts stars up across the entire room. I let the boys take turns picking which color will be on for the night - and after 40 minutes, it turns itself off. I think you can get them at Babys-R-Us, and they come in several different animals.
I also scored this killer vintage set of kids encyclopedias at DI. They are amazing - and Jack loves leafing through them and looking at the pictures. I'm trying to find some cool book ends to help them stand up better - and as a whole series.
To try and give them something in their room that was just theirs, I put out a green box to the side of each bed for them to put their own things in... mainly for me to stash away Cash's 80 different stuffed animals he must take to bed with him each night. We also put up these 2 magnet boards to give the boys both a space to hang up their artwork. I need to make or find some cool magnets for them still.
Ryan and The Lower Lights played again tonight at the Post Theater up in Salt Lake.
I love that even though I have been listening to this CD since it was in it's infant recording stages, and for months in the car with the boys, that seeing them play live can still gives me chills. The songs are so beautiful, and to have the dynamic of everyone up there at once, or least a great majority of them, really gives the whole thing quite a different presence.
Everyone sounded so great tonight - I hope you all get a chance to see them play together if you have not.
I have to thank my cute sister-in-law for taking the boys for me tonight, and to Grandma and Grandpa Leigh for picking them up when it took me so long to get home in the bad weather. Driving 30 miles per hour on the freeway makes for an insane drive home.
And I have to add a big thanks again to my friend Charlie - a true gentleman - for walking me to my car during the second set, so I didn't deliver this baby in the middle of the road while slipping on the ice and show.
My mom is a master at all things sewing. I am always convincing her to make me things since I lack any talent or skill in this department. She just finished helping me make this gorgeous carseat cover for new baby. I saw the fabric - and being a sucker for all things birds, trees and geometric patterns, I just had to have it.
I love it mom! Thanks for being so uber talented. It's just perfect.
Ryan went on tour with Sarah Sample and Paul Jacobsen last week to Nebraska. I got sick the night he left. Remained sick for the entire week, and now 3 days into this week, I think I'm finally on the up and up. No one likes to be sick of course, but being sick and pregnant just seems like a raw deal. It's wednesday now though, and I think I survived, or at least I feel like doing my yoga this morning, and that seems a good sign.
Baby is still cooking. We are 36 weeks, 5 days and counting. I've actually felt really good this pregnancy. Minus being no spring chicken this time around, I've liked being pregnant. These last few weeks are the hard ones to still feel that way. I suppose it is mostly the lack of sleep, and the feeling like you need a crane every time you move in bed, but with this cold finally leaving me, I feel like I still have my head about me.
We've been taking some Bradley Method birthing classes - and I think this is the healthiest pregnancy I've had because of them. I worked out more, stretched more, and for the most part, ate better. As my first heavy hitting contractions have come to give me a nice reminder of what is ahead of me, I think I am ready to do this natural.
My ideas about having this kid o-natural first came because we are self paying this time around and it was the only cost I could control. But after talking with friends who had done it, and attending the class, I'm sure I'd make this choice with insurance or not. Now... I haven't actually gone into battle yet, but at least I feel prepared.
I still can't wrap my head around adding another kid to the mix. Everyone has told me their exhausting horror stories, or given me that look like nothing can prepare me for the hardships of number 3, but either way, I'm still excited. I've got the boys sharing a room, the baby clothes out and organized, and the baby car seat cleaned and ready to bring home our little package.
This weekend we introduced the boys to Star Wars. A moment to be remembered, as we all sat on one couch watching Darth Vader come onto the screen. The boys were mesmerized, and have been playing jedi knights ever since.
I bought a bunch of tuplip bulbs, only to have it rain on my day of planting. So instead I sat at my kitchen window watching the birds eat greedily from my new bird house feeder I just hung from our backyard tree.
My report from the doctor this week brought the good news of baby being turned into launch position. No more breech. No more need to lie on ironing boards.
Our friend Harley was married this weekend. They had wood grain heart stamped bags filled with cinnamon bears and lemon drops to take home with you. I've been happily munching from it all day.
I was able to trim my rose bushes down and stain the sand box before the cold came... what beautiful weather we have had. I hope we get one last hit of it again before the winter months set in around us.
The boys couldn't be any more excited about Halloween. We busted out the costumes for our church carnival. I loved watching Jack and Cash as they attempted pumpkin bowling, bat hitting, eyeball tossing games. None of Cash's candy prizes ever made it to the bottom of his pumpkin - just straight to the mouth. They were more then a little sugared up by the time we left.
Tomorrow we make haunted gingerbread houses with the cousins. Maybe we will watch the last Star Wars.
As long as I am cozy on the couch with Ryan for a lazy sunday afternoon, I don't care about much else.
The morning started out with taking the boys out to breakfast for pancakes since Jack decided to wake everyone up at the crack of dawn in attempt to find his beloved pink stuffed animal piggy.
We stopped off at the nursery, and picked out a few clearanced out shrubs to plant in order to keep the neighborhood boy from mowing 2 feet into our lawn. He army haircuts the older couples lawn next to us, and in turn wipes out our sprinkler heads every time as he mows over into our yard. I tried to talk to him earlier in the summer, show him the massacred sprinkler heads, and he was conscious of it for about a week - then came in a foot more. Since this is a good time to plant, I figured I would start now to help next summer's lawn and sprinklers not be victimized every week.
We bought Jack some much needed bigger sized killer new super hero underwear and I hope this will be the solution to him grabbing and adjusting himself constantly in public.
Ry helped me hang all the remaining frames and bed lights to the boys room (pictures coming soon), and then we headed off to watch him play at an outdoor folk festival down in American Fork with Paul and the Madison Arm crew.
The boys and I headed home after that, stopping off at 2 Walmarts and 1 Target in an attempt to get the new How To Train a Dragon movie. With sad tears and dramatic draping over shopping carts - we were unsuccessful on all attempts. Cue in Grandma Leigh to save the day... luckily Grandma was willing to sell us her copy she had just bought at Costco so the boys could continue on another day. Oh thank you thank you Grandma!
We took a nice cozy tub. Snuggled into some warm Iron Man and Spiderman pjs, and the boys were off to bed.
Now I'm just waiting for Ryan to get home from his house concert he played in Provo after the folk festival, with the beautiful and uber talented Sarah Sample. I am considering eating leftovers out of the fridge, but keep hearing the voice of my doctor tell me each week that I am gaining too much weight. Sigh. Sometimes I wonder if I just like to eat, or if I am actually hungry.
My small photo documentation of a great night by Sarah and the band at her CD release party.
I started crying through Ryan's second song and all into and through Paul's set. I was a uncontrollable pregnant mess. The music was so great tonight, but my mind was on other things - and well, I just didn't stand a chance.
Sarah - you were beautiful. Your songs amazing. The whole night a success.
Oh man. I have wanted one of these bikes ever since they came into existence.
They are hosting another contest. The blogger with the most clicked links from their blog to the site wins a bike and a lifetime of happiness. If only more people then my mom read my blog... all my dreams might come true.
Well - by any miracle you are reading this entry... click the link on the left nav of this sad little girl's blog and at least put me in there for a few clicks.
Oh Madsen bike ... I'm in love with you (and I want that coat).
My friend Sarah Sample has just released her newest record, Someday, Someday, and this Thursday, will be having her CD release party. You should attend if you are looking to be wooed by one of the loveliest voices out there. It's at Pioneer Hall (Old Rock Building) at 1137 West 7800 South in West Jordan, 7pm. Ryan will be playing an opening set, as well as the rest of the night with her.
I have always loved mini things. Mini books, mini figurines ... and nothing is quite as cute as mini food. Things have such a different presence when small.
My mom gave me this mini muffin tin a few years back, and I love using it any chance I get.
Yes yes, another few weeks gone by. What have we been up to? Well let me think.
Last weekend we took the boys up the canyon to see the leaves. We stopped off at a little cafe in Midway to eat some of the most yummy homemade scones ever, then headed towards Sundance to ride the chair lift. A beautiful 45 minute ride up and back. I wish I had more pictures of the event, but I was too concerned about dropping either my phone or Cash off the lift, so let Ryan play photographer and will post the pictures once they are developed.
Afterwords, we treated the boys to some yummy suckers from the resort snack shop and headed home. The weather was a dream - Utah is so beautiful this time of year. I started my natural birthing class as well. Being self insured has made me insane enough to try and attempt this kid without the happy drugs that cost so much and that have made the other 2 births so pleasant. The book, The Bradley Method, has been my main read over the last several weeks. I think my family still thinks I am insane, but I am getting more and more confident that I can do this. Although - the little monster is breeched at this moment, so if I can just get him to turn, I don't think I will be so nervous. My friend Holly has just given me some tips that involve being upside down on an ironing board... wish me luck. Ryan and the Lower Lights gang played at the Provo roof top concert series. Grandma Tanner let the boys sleep over so I could go down. The weather was great - and the roof top was packed, and I even got to meet the lovely Miss Courtney aka C Jane. The show was great. If you haven't purchased the CD yet, you should. Jack has most of it memorized. After it was all over, we ate at the yummy Rooster at about 1 in the morning and I don't think I have ever been so tired.
Jack had his last soccer game on Saturday. I don't think soccer will ever be the sport for Jack. He is just way too nice to ever try and take anything, let alone a ball, away from another kid. He just liked running around a lot, and wearing the big socks that would go up to his thighs when it got extra cold. The snacks at the end of the game were also a real plus.
I finally got both boys together in one room. I finished my headboards this weekend and will post the pictures once I get the room assembled. Cash seems to have no problem with sleeping in the big-boy bed, although it is always a mystery where I will find him in the morning. He is often rolled under Jack's bed, behind a chair, in the closet, or somewhere in the hall. I don't know really how he gets there, but he stays asleep - so I guess he must be comfortable.
I think I will attempt to get out all the baby clothes this week and start to prep the room for kid numero 3. Having 3 boys has it's advantages. Although I am starting to see that most of the clothes aren't surviving Cash's wear and tear.
Well. That might be it. Consider yourself updated.
I've been buying and eating as much fresh fruit and vegetables as I can before the summer is up.
Peaches... I will miss you the most. With just a few more weeks left, I'm using them in practically every meal. This week I think I'll also make peach crisp.
The fresh produce stands closing has to be the saddest part of summer's end.
This has to be the coolest book we have found thus far at the library. I love it so much - I am going to the bookstore this weekend to buy it.
The screen printed-like illustrations, the colors, the type... it is all so fabulous. The french author, Bernard Granger (Blexbolex) has some pretty wicked stuff out there and I am obsessed. I think I will scan in some of the pages and use them to decorate an entire wall in the play room. You must check it out.
I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I made my very first pie today and I have to say, it was amazing.
A spiced apple/pear pie from scratch. I picked up the apples and pears from Schmidt's produce stand on the corner of 90th and 2300 west. Their pears, peaches and apples are to die for right now.
Jack of course refused to try it. Who ever heard of trying to convince a kid to eat something sweet and sugary?
Wednesday I am trying a Zesty Lemon Pie to take to my sister-in-law Ashley and her new cute baby Namoi.
Those who purchase the digital version off of this bandcamp site will get 2 bonus tracks plus additional artwork not included with the CD. The album will also be available at shows, and soon on iTunes, CDbaby, and in select stores throughout Utah and Arizona.
As for shows:
The Free Outdoor Show:
Rooftop Concert Series Provo, UT Friday October 1 at 8pm Provo Town Square Parking Terrace (corner of 100 north and 100 west in downtown Provo) Bring all your friends and family and be sure to dress warm. Bring blankets and chairs to sit on. Libbie Linton will open the show.
For some videos:
Click here to see of footage of the recorded songs.
We had our Halloween outfit tryouts today. I try and let them have a good day of playing in them and then hide them away till October.
Jack was a little bummed his costume didn't come with a utility belt (His mad face though, is just in preparation to fight the joker), so he made a homemade one. This is why we have our tryouts... I need to see what adjustments need to be made before we are headed out the door for the candy loot to avoid as many tears and meltdowns as possible.
We made some homemade batman throwing disks and Cash a sword. Grandma will need to tighten Cash's ninja mask, Jack will need a more permanent bat belt - other then that, we are good.
The boys are trying to figure out if I should be the Joker or Splinter. I say neither.
The Lower Lights played their first fireside this Sunday down in Provo. It was a stellar evening... and best news of all, the CD is done and will soon be available for your listening pleasure.
For those who attended the strange 12 minute set at the Sandy Amphitheater (sorry), I will let you know when another fireside is being held, or when the CD release party will be.
I made some lemon bars today. They are some of my most favorite treats. This has become my recipe of choice to use:
Lemon Bars Makes about 2 doz
2 1/4 cups all purpose flour, divided 1/2 cup powdered sugar 1 cup cold butter, cut into pieces 4 large eggs 2 cups granulated sugar 1 tsp. lemon zest 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice 1/2 tsp. baking powder powdered sugar
1. Preheat oven to 350. Line bottom of sides of a 13x9 pan with heavy-duty aluminum foil or parchment paper, allowing 2 to 3 inches to extend over sides; lightly grease foil.
2. Stir together 2 cups flour and 1/2 cup powdered sugar. Cut in butter using a pastry blender or fork until crumbly. Press mixture onto bottom of prepared pan.
3. Bake at 350 for 20 to 25 minutes or until lightly browned.
4. Meanwhile, whisk eggs in a large bowl until smooth; whisk in granulated sugar, lemon zest, and lemon juice. Stir together baking powder and remaining 1/4 cup of flour; whisk into egg mixture. Pour mixture over hot baked crust.
5. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes or until filling is set. Let cool in pan on a wire rack for 30 minutes. Lift from pan, using foil sides as handles. Cool completely on a wire rack (about 30 additional minutes). Remove foil, and cut into bars; sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Today ruled. The weather was heavenly. We opened all the windows to let in the crisp breeze... put on long sleeved shirts and hoodies and ate candy corn.
Okay, I get it. I'm a fatty. This pregnancy has brought on a lot more people commenting on how big I am vs. how far along I am.
While exchanging some flip flops at Old Navy this week, the girl happily piped up, "Wow... you look A LOT farther along then 26 weeks!" I especially loved how her eyes bulged a little when she said it. People have no social grace anymore.
So I guess I'm having the biggest baby ever, or I need to lay off on the snacking. Either way, my complex has officially started.
How much does the Swell Season rule. How much does this video rule. If you don't know the answer to either of those questions - watch this video and begin to understand.
She's here! My sister-in-law Ashley, had her baby today. A beautiful little girl. Mom survived a 2 day ordeal of labor, and will hopefully now get some much needed rest after all her hard work. Baby Naomi had a fever and so we were not allowed to see or hold her yet - but is doing well now. Tomorrow I should have pictures of the piece of heaven.
Congratulations Ash and Jared! We couldn't be happier to finally have her here!
Monday night I tagged along to one of Sarah, Paul and Ryan's house concerts. I wish I could go to more of these... but they are always late at night, and I have to use my babysitters wisely throughout the week and month. I was happy I got to see this one though. Sarah's new CD is coming out in October, and even though I have listened to it over and over (Ry did the artwork and sang on it, so we get a free copy of course) I loved hearing the songs live. They all took turns playing their own songs. Ryan, Paul and Sarah have the best harmony together. I loved hearing Paul's Carver Town and 6 O'clock News - and Ry's Peaceful Mind. House concerts rule.