Monday, September 19, 2011

i love peaches

Jack is not really our most adventurous kid. It has taken us a solid week to convince him he would love peaches if he would just try them. I finally tried the "it's just like an orange" approach and he gave it a small nibble. Then with big eyes proclaimed, "Oh yeah! I love peaches!" After he devoured two or three, he then drew this picture and titled it "I love peaches". I want to make a shirt out of it.



Kat said...

So clever. Looks like he's an artist like mommy :)

Alicia said...

Make me one of those t-shirts, won't you? I want one.

Jenigirl said...

oh Jack attack! Could you get any cuter?! What an artist! I agree with Alicia I want a t-shirt too! Love it...this made my day! :)