Wednesday, September 7, 2011

a new era

Jack started Kindergarton today. 

I will admit, there was a moment as he was getting on the bus, where he still hadn't let go of my hand, but I couldn't walk any farther because of the bus doors, that I thought I might lose my brave face, but I stayed strong, smiled and waved goodbye. Then I followed the bus like any other first time mom, just to make sure it actually took him to the right school. 

He had a blast - thought the riding the bus was "the coolest thing ever", and loved his new school altogether. I have to remind myself - it is just like preschool but with a bus... so why does it feel so different? 

I joined the PTA... signed up to volunteer in his class and feel we've officially started a new era. I will miss our carefree mornings a bit, but think I will love the alone time with Cashman (No, I didn't forget I have another kid, Max just takes a killer morning nap.) and now that I have to be up and ready much earlier then my slacker non-traditional school schedule allowed before, I think I might get more done in the day. We had the beds made, us all dressed, the laundry going and the kitchen cleaned and it wasn't even 9:15. 

Very strange indeed.


Emilie and Branden said...

I feel your pain...and the enjoyment of the alone time :)

Brooke said...

Oh my gosh. I just shed a little tear of joy over the picture of the bus driver gawking at the crazy lady with the camera (you). please frame that

Jill said...

Remember when Jack ran up to hug me at your house? He is too precious. Don't let him grow up.